In the bustling world of Marketing, the adventurous Marcom Manager embarked on a journey to find the perfect Social Media Agency. Armed with spreadsheets and hopes, she navigated through a
landscape filled with potential partners. Following the usual business rituals, the Marcom laid out her expectations – a straightforward request for a specific number of posts and reels.
Little did she know, the landscape was populated by tricky creatures known as "potential account managers." One such being emerged, wielding a sword of feedback that struck hard: "Your current page lacks excitement, drowns in jargon, and needs a spark of engagement." In an attempt to unravel the cryptic language of deliverables, the account manager presented a riddle: "Explain the deliverables - posts = 25, reels = 15." Our Marcom Manager scratched her head, wondering if explaining a post was as puzzling as teaching a fish to ride a bicycle.
But the tale took a twist when the trio of video/gif/static content, neatly arranged at 60/20/20, was deemed indistinguishable. "What's the difference? It's all the same thing," the account manager declared, leaving our Marcom Manager feeling like she had entered a world where apples and oranges were merely fruity siblings.
Desperate for clarity, our Marcom summoned the practical power of screen sharing. Alas! The first 15 minutes of the call were a detour through unexpected terrain – the agency account manager showcased the page of another property. It was like expecting a pizza and being served spaghetti.
With a mix of laughter and a hint of frustration, she realized that the search for the right Social Media Agency was indeed a quirky adventure. Armed with resilience, humor, and a touch of practicality, she continued her quest, determined to find the agency that could turn marketing challenges into everyday victories.
And so, the saga of the Marcom Manager in the diverse landscape of Social Media Agencies continued, where every misstep was a step closer to uncovering the hidden gem in the dynamic world of
Read: She/Her/Marcom Manager AS........ ME!